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How Do I Get an Eviction Expunged in North Carolina?
The short answer is: There’s no such thing as an Eviction Expungement in North Carolina. But the long answer is much more interesting. Learn

Can My Landlord Really Evict Me During a Pandemic?
So, you’ve been furloughed from your job because of the pandemic and you’re having trouble finding new employment. You’re behind on your...

How Do I Get Old Charges and Convictions Off of My Criminal Record in North Carolina?
We explore the problems created by having a criminal conviction on your record, how to get charges and convictions expunged, and recent upda

What does North Carolina consider to be an 'Exotic Animal?'
As society has moved away from domestication of wild animals and more towards animal rights legislation, four states have refused to pass...

What Do I Do If My Neighbor Is A Tiger King Wannabe?
With the pop culture phenomenon of Netflix’s Tiger King sweeping across America, the ownership of big cats and other exotic pets...

The Cost of Pleading Guilty to a Traffic Ticket in North Carolina
What pleading guilty does to your car insurance rates and why paying an attorney is likely to save you money in the long run.
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